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Sex With Strangers
by Laura Eason
February 3 - 19, 2017

An honest, steamy drama about intimacy and ambition in the digital age. How far will you go to get what you want? Will you be the same person if you finally do? When twenty-something star sex blogger and memoirist Ethan tracks down his idol, the gifted but obscure 40ish novelist Olivia, he finds they each crave what the other possesses. As attraction turns to sex, and they inch closer to getting what they want, both must confront the dark side of ambition and the near impossibility of reinventing oneself when the past is only a click away.

Photo Credit KM2 Creative



David Kurtz


Diana Osborn

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Production Staff


Sarah O'Connell

Stage Manager

Jen Cummings

Lighting Design

Kendra Harris

Costume Design

Kim Glover

Sound Design

Thomas Chrastka


Gillen Brey

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Box Office Hours

Monday 4PM-8PM

Wednesday 10AM-1PM

Friday 10AM-1PM

Saturday 9AM-12PM

(closed holidays)

3920 Schiff Drive | 702-362-7996 |

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